Christoph Martens: JavaScript Level 9000

Low Level JavaScript insights from the JIT compiler perspective. From Garbage Collection and Tracing algorithms to callsite analysis, native data types (Array, Object, Function, Function templates) and their implementations, unboxing and hash optimizations, fake operator overloads, ASM branches, branch prediction on the CPU and Hidden Classes in V8 to highlevel usage examples inside game engines and how these can be optimized.
Thanks for the charmful introduction. Well yeah, my talk is called JavaScript level 9000, because I had no idea how to name the talk otherwise and yeah, let's get started. So, as he said, I was previously working for Zynga doing the benchmarking stuff there and putting out products like the Zynga jukebox, but - after that - I founded by own project called lycheeJS, which is something like a JavaScript engine, but it's a bit more of a game engine. And there's SkyN4T, which is an artificial intelligence that is clustered and stuff like that, it's something like a hobby for me, and, I was previously also fixing some Linux stuff, so I was also implementing fixes for the radeon driver or fixing or supporting the HD cards back then. I got into V8 because I thought back then it's hard to push out a game onto different other platforms if they're not supporting HTML5, so basically I started to realize it would be much more awesome when I could just use OpenGL there or use freeGLUT for it. Then I put out a prototype for V8GL, which was basically V8 combined with OpenGL bindings and I was using it to cross-compile it to other platforms like Android or IOS (with the stuff). The advantage is that you can even cross compile it to Xbox 360 or PS 4. Basically I'm currently focusing on SDL stuff, so my new runtime is based on NodeJS and using SDL there, because that's much easier when it comes to networking stuff. So, this talk will be starting low and trying to give you an idea how the data types inside a VM are implemented and is focusing on a garbage collection concepts or what the problems in JavaScript are compared to other block scoped languages for example. It's trying to increase the level straight and linearly. First, Data types. Primitives are the basic understandings of data types and in JavaScript it's a bit complicated because Primitives are also Objects, but they're not. So in these examples the Primitives are like Numbers, Boolean, null and undefined. They're Primitives and defined as Primitives. Strings and Regular Expressions are not, because they have a length property (and other properties), so they are real Objects, but they're handled as Primitives. I will explain that later. The Strings are primarily handled in the Runtime memory, which means they are deallocated after the call stack is finished or after the scope was destructed, and there's so‑called Hidden Classes idea behind the implementations. They use Hidden Classes to implement everything for you, and the Hidden Classes are something like the abstraction that you need for your memory allocation stuff. Aldo, unique static Strings (if you write down the same String over your code multiple times) are only linked as a String Symbol inside the JIT VM. Primitives, if you use the native constructor, like calling "new Number()", then you create an Object instance, and the Object instance is handled differently than the literals of the Number itself. If you type like the y variable here (y = 123), it is handled differently handled in the VM. It is then no instance of Object if you use the "instanceof" operator. Arrays and Objects are basically all Object instances, even the literals ("[], {}"). For example, Arrays are an instance of Array but they're also an instance of Object. Objects themselves are always instances of Object because the literals are defined that way. The difference here is that the Primitives are not reference-able after the scope and the Objects are reference-able after the scope was closed or after the Function scope was closed and destructed. That's basically the idea of the Garbage Collector in JavaScript. The hard topics is the dynamic typing stuff because previously, before the WebGL Standard you had no possibility to use something like typed Arrays. The idea behind the JIT VM was that they wanted to optimize everything as far as possible, so, in this example, both examples have like the same values and the Array has the same content afterwards but they're optimized in a completely different way. The Foo example here is optimized at compile time because the JIT knows "Oh, the array has this length and it's closed afterwards so it's finished at this stage". The Bar example is allocating everything dynamically, so, at first (the 13 and 37 values) will just allocate everything. After that, if you change the type (0.5 value), it will convert everything to doubles. That's the so‑called Unboxing, it then has to be unboxed, converted, and boxed again. Everything will be converted to Doubles, that means the precision of 13 and 37 would be something like dot 0 (13.0 and 37.0) and then it's still handled as an (un/signed) Integer. If you allocate something differently from the existing values like "true" - which is an Object - then it will convert everything to Objects or to references. I will explain later how that is solved. That's basically the difference about the Objects and Array stuff in JavaScript. What is also important is that Objects have unique identifiers, even if they have the identical contents. So you can use the deep equals comparison ("===") and they will always be different because of the identifier. But they share the same Hidden Class behind them, these examples (foo and bar) are identically typed and have identical properties and the Hidden Classes algorithm inside the VM will use the same Hiddel Class in that case. Hidden Classes are basically based on the data types or the values of those; and the order of the values or the properties. So, for example, in this case, the Foo and Bar example is identical. The Qux example is identical when it comes to the values but the properties are ordered in a different way. If the properties are annotated or assigned to the object in a different order, it will create automatically a new Hidden Class. So that is bad, don't do that! Hidden Classes are also an abstraction for Functions, because function templates are basically (if they are constructed) creating Object instances. In that case, Foo and Bar have, when they're assigned, the same hidden class of Point, but it will create a new Hidden Class for the bar example because you're assigning it a property externally to it. So the JIT is recognizing it: "Oh, that's a completely different thing and I have to create a new hidden class for it". So bar is a fork of foo then. When you want to implement custom Primitives in JavaScript, there's the concept behind the valueOf() method and the toString() method. If the valueOf() method is called on binary operators (e.g. an addition), it will try to find out its arithmetic value. If the valueOf() method returns null, the data type has no arithmetic value at all. It will be just 0, that is the reason why when you add the Foo and Bar examples together, it would be 0. If you add another number to it (e.g. foo + 123) then it'll be the number value of 123 plus 0 - which is - of course, 123. valueOf() is used for the arithmetic value and if you return a Number value instead of null - so it has numeric value - you can add it to other Strings or Numbers and it will automatically convert the data type dependent on the other variable's data type. That is the same problem with NaN (Not-a-Number), if you add a Number to a String it will give you a different result because it will be the other way around before the conversion. In that case, it's just like if you want to add a String to it - then you have, of course, String conversion from the Number, so the Numbers and the values will be identical except the types. After the valueof() method is called the VM will try to determine (if there's no arithmetic value) if it's a String or if it can be converted to a String. That's reason why you see something like "[object Object]" all the time when you try the dump it into the console or something like that. When you are returning an Object instance in the valueOf() method, it means that the data type is a high level Object and not a Primitive anymore. That means the toString() method is called and if you add those two examples together or do binary additions on them, you will get different results, because the VM is just converting everything to a String then. And, yeah. That's basically how it works. Now I have to dig into the Function stuff and what Function Templates, Function Instances and Prototypes are. Functions in JavaScript, of course, have a Prototype. The Prototype means there's something like a Smart Pointer to the Memory. If you have an example like this and are constructing a "new Vector()" there, then the "instanceof Vector" will, of course, be true. But the prototype lookup (.__proto__ which is a non-standard behaviour for looking up the Prototype Hierarchy upwards) will point to Vector. Then (.__proto__.__proto__) it will point to Object, because everything is an Object instance. Of course, it's not an instance of Function. The __proto__.__proto__.__proto lookup will be null, then the prototype chain is over and the JIT knows there's no inheritance level upwards. That's basically how Prototyping works. So, if you have something like a new instance from a Function, then, the direct __proto__ lookup will point to the Function.prototype, and that will point to the Object.prototype and so on. If you want to implement something like Entities (because I'm a game developer, I want to use vectors and stuff like that), I'm implementing a basic Entity and I want to reuse the Vector methods there. In this case there's a problem: You need instances on the prototype in order to have it fully integrated with the JavaScript VM. If I'm just pointing the Entity.prototype to the Vector.prototype, I have the same methods, but I don't have an instance of a Vector, because the getPrototypeOf() method called on the Entity instance itself will not point to the Vector itself, it will point to the Vector.prototype. So, yeah, that's basically how the "instanceof" operator works. When you create a new Vector() instance, like in this example, this is the way. When the prototype of instances or the prototype of Function template is pointing to a new instance, you get the correct behaviour with the "instanceof" operator. So yeah, that's basically how Function Templates are implemented in a VM. I hope it was easy to follow. When it comes to Hoisting and Closures stuff, it's pretty important to understand hosting and closures are not easy to backtrace when it comes to memory optimizations. Let's get started with that topic. (...) So, the explanation of hoisting is like: When you have a variable inside the own Function Scope, but it's not accessible or bound inside this scope, it (the VM) will go upwards and try to use the next Function Scope on the outer side (upwards) for that variable. In that example I'm binding foo and bar, but with different names. So it's the other way around when I'm calling the outer Function. I'm using the "bar" parameter inside the outer Function as "foo" (so bar is inside it really foo) and the "qux" parameter as "bar" (so qux is inside it really bar). That outer Function is a closure, but if I'm reassigning the foo variable, I'm not reassigning the "bar" in the outer scope. It will just delete the reference of the Global Scope's foo. It behaves like that because it's not referencing to the original foo, it's always referencing to the "state" of foo when the method was called. That also means that "foo === bar" will be false afterwards. (Next Topic) Closures A typical problem is when you are iterating over an Array with Objects and you do an asynchronous loader (like loading an Image with an onload() method that is called afterwards) and you want to use the "a" iterator variable (of the example), it will always have the last value of the loop. It's like that because probably the Asset will be loaded slower than the iteration. That's a typical problem in JavaScript, a fix for that is just using a Closure to hold every variable of the loop, so they have the same state as they had when you wanted it to be and you can just reuse the property (or the variable) at that state. That's basically how Closure work. There's always a Function that binds the variables to their own Sub Scope or their own Handle Scope in which they are binding a variable or a property inside their own Scope when they would be free otherwise (after their destruction). So... that leads us to the following problem. We need something like a Garbage Collector because we have instances of Objects, we want to delete them afterwards - because otherwise our Memory will be totally bloated. The basic knowledge about Memory Management or Garbage Collectors are that we have the Runtime Memory and Heap Memory. The Runtime Memory consists of Primitives. They're cleared directly after your Scope has ended. If your Scope is being called and after that the Scope is destructed, then all the allocated Runtime Memory will be just deallocated. How that works is not important. It's just important that it's deleted afterwards and that it can't be reused afterwards. Regular Expressions and Strings are somehow exceptions, because they have a length property (and behave like Object instances), but they're still treated as Runtime allocations inside the VM. They are basically Primitives while they're not. The Heap Memory is something like the memory that is available afterwards, but you're not able to use it if you're not referencing it. It contains Function instances, Object instances, Array instances, and that's basically what is inside the Heap Memory. If the references that you use are not needed anymore and can be unreferenced, they are cleared up by the Garbage Collector. You're creating Garbage every time you have something overwriting the original reference with a new Object. An example is when I assing an Object to foo and assigning a new Object to it afterwards (var foo = {}; foo = {}). That means unreferenced Object instances always create Garbage and unreferenced variables or named properties or arguments inside the current Scope will trigger the Garbage Collector. So the GC knows "Oh, I have to clean something up". After the Scope was destructed, the Garbage Collector checks if the references are still there or if they need to be cleared up. You can do hints for Garbage Collector, a cheap trick is to set everything to "null", it's non-referenceble and a Primitive. If you would set it to "0" as well, that would be a Number and optimization stuff is a bit weird here. Just remember: if you have a variable foo and you have an Object instance allocated to it, you can dereference it by setting it to null and then you can assign the new Object instance to it afterwards. The Garbage Collector and JavaScript Code Optimizer will know that "This is the state where we can clear up everything, afterwards it's a plain Object" and it can resort everything (the optimized code branches). That leads us to the Garbage Collection implementation itself or How It Works inside VMs. I'm mostly referencing here to the Java stuff because it was one of the first languages to implement a Garbage Collector, but most methods are used in V8 or the Monkey variants of Mozilla. When it comes to Terminology: A Garbage is an Object in your program that your program cannot reference anymore, so it's not usable at all. A so‑called Root Node is inside graph and any direct reference your program can access, that means for example local variables on a stack or static class variables, like the length property on an Array or something like that. Object instances are Live if they're not Garbage, that's basically the opposite. Live Objects (or Live Object instances) are referenced by a Root or referenced by another Object instance that is inside the Root. You can detect Garbage by basically (...) If you have a Graph where all the Nodes are referencing each other, then you have to different ways to determine if they're still referencing. One of the algorithms is a Depth-First, the other a Breadth-First search. Both of them will lead to the same result. The Depth-First search algorithm will go to each SubNode first and then try to determine where's a back-reference. The Breadth-First search algorithm will go down the tree and look for references of the Neighbors of each Node. They are both used because you have two-dimensional linking Objects (in the tree structure). Local Variables are something like named Pointer that is pointing to somehow anywhere inside the black hole to a memory address. JavaScript has basically only pointers you can use, so everything inside your high level language is only a pointer or a number if it's optimized or basically the Primitives and the Hidden Classes are the so‑called abstractions for that. One method for detecting Garbage is the Mark and Sweep algorithm. It has two different phases. The first is the Mark Phase and the second is the Sweep Phase. To determine Garbage inside the Graph, it walks along all Roots that it knows and tries to mark every Object that is reference-able from each Root Node. So your program will pause, it is completely stopped. Then the Mark Phase is running and tries to determine all Objects that are reference-able. (Program Pause > Mark Phase > Program Resume) Afterwards the Sweep Phase is going on. The Sweep Phase is traversing all the marked Objects and deallocates them and does all the Garbage Collection Stuff. So it marks everything and calls delete inside the low level C++ code (etc.) and tries to free up the memory as far as possible. In Garbage Collection languages you have also the problem with fragmentation. These two examples are identical Hidden Classes and they have two different properties with the same values and they are identical. Afterwards you're deleting one of the properties of one of the instances. Then you cause Memory Fragmentation. Fragmentation means Memory is free at this specific address inside the Memory and could be used otherwise. So there's so‑called Compaction going on that is trying to re‑order all the Object references that are implemented "high-level" and re-points them to new memory addresses. (Oh, three minutes) So, in this example, I'm having references to (...) I'm trying to explain the references that are so-called Handles inside a JIT Compiler. It's basically in the VM something like a Pointer to a Pointer. If you're using your bar your foo (in the example) inside your code, then it'll be basically a pointer to another pointer. The reason to have it so is that pointers can be allocated with a fixed size. They are a fixed sized Memory Array, so it's easier to optimize them and you don't have to guess what kind of Memory Size it will use later (after the compaction and resorting). The Lifetime is determined by the Handle Scope. Those Handle Scope inside the Function context are destructed afterwards if the Function call is over and they result in Garbage Collector trying to clear up everything. So, each time a Scope is closed, the Garbage Collector runs over it and tries to determine the references there. Another algorithm to Mark and Sweep is Copying Garbage Collection. It's something like a basic concept where you have two different static sizes of Memory and you have the Pointers referencing to somewhere in your code. If you are deleting a reference or creating a reference, it's just copying it vice versa. So that means for the Memory A (in the example) it just uses everything it finds and uses the first allocation in the other Memory. Second time it runs it uses everything in the Memory B and it will go the same way over and over again. The advantage is that it's super fast and easy to implement because you have only like ten lines of codes to implement it. But, it's of course, bad, because you have so much to do and the amount of the references is getting bigger and bigger. A Generational Garbage Collector, like in V8 (or I guess in Monkey variants, too) is using both of those algorithms and try to have a Lifetime determination algorithm trying to find out if your code can access other Objects on previous states in the timeline and if they're still referenceble or not. If they are not referenceable, that means they have a Younger age, because it's just like one second old and it can be cleared afterwards. Older Objects are the ones that can be accessed any time, if you have something like Objects on a Global Scope, you can guess that they are also referenceble ten seconds afterwards. So that means Older Objects can be used and optimized by the Mark and Sweep algorithm and Younger Objects are optimized by the Copying Garbage Collector algorithm. (*Yay* 30 seconds left) That's the end, basically that was the introduction on how Garbage Collection works, I hope you enjoyed it. (Applause) Also, I would invite you to Hacker's Lounge for a beer and cheerful discussion. Edit transcript via pull request.